What you will need:

  • Pegboard – enough to cut into 4 equal pieces of 610mm x 1220mm each
  • Circular Saw
  • Miter Saw
  • Screwdriver
  • Wood 4 pieces 50mm x 50 x 1220
  • Screws
  • Wood Glue
  • 4 Casters and Plastic Wheels
  • Pegboard Hooks


  1. Place wood glue along the wood pieces and place pegboard on top so that the pieces are glued along the length ways edge of the board.
  2. When dry secure with screws. (4 per piece of wood)
  3. Repeat until you have formed a cube like structure with the pegboard meeting up with the thin pieces of wood, then screw all boards together.
  4. Turn the structure upside down and screw in casters and wheels to the base of the thin wood.
  5. Add hooks to the pegboard.
  6. Hang tools and there you have it! A neat place to keep all your tools.