Drive Safe This December

We all know that driving over December holidays can be rather dangerous. A quick look at the statistics will tell you all you need to know. At Mica, we care about your safety and have therefore decided to give you some tips for safe driving over December.

Before you make any journey, give your car a thorough check. Start by checking your oil and water. If you’re not sure how to go about this, simply ask the petrol attendants at your nearest petrol station to have a look at this for you. You should also make sure all your lights and indicators are working perfectly. With the car running, ask someone to stand behind the car and look that all is fine – tell them when you turn on your left indicator, right indicator, brakes, etc. and they should tell you if the corresponding lights go on.

Again, before you drive to your holiday destination or back home, make sure you had enough sleep and that you are awake and alert enough to make the journey. If you’re driving with a partner who also has their license, take turns driving. An important note when driving this December is to drink responsibly. It takes the average adult liver around 1 hour to get rid of 1 unit of alcohol, so give yourself enough time before driving again. You should also make sure you wear your seatbelt and that all your passengers, even those sitting in the back, are wearing theirs.

You’ve heard the saying that speed kills. As much as this has become a cliché, it is very accurate. It is important to know the speed limit where you’re driving and stick to them. Instead of rushing home after your holiday, take it easy and stay safe.

Avoid distractions! This means putting away those phones. Don’t look at any texts while driving and if you feel the urge to keep in touch, pull over before using your phone. If you have Bluetooth in your car, make sure your phone is connected to that so that you can keep driving even when taking calls.

At selected Mica, we have all your car safety essentials. Before you start planning your journey, get down the automotive department for first aid kits, triangles, jumper cables and much more.

We would like to wish all our customers a happy and safe holiday this December!