21 April 2020

DIY upcycled toilet roll tube sharks
This project is great for entertaining the kids! Upcycle some toilet roll tubes into some playful sharks. It’s a creative activity that you can make educational by finding some facts about the deep sea creatures to tell your kids as they make this project.
Shark Paper Tube Craft – Materials:
– Card paper (blue and white) and/or paint
– Toilet tube
– Scissors
– Stapler
– 18cm plate or circle shape (for tracing)
– Craft glue
– Black paint
– Small paintbrush
Step 1
Paint the toilet roll and paper that you will be cutting the fins and tail from, blue. Alternatively, if you are using blue paper to cover the roll cut a piece of cardstock paper at about 11cm x15cm this will be the body of the shark. Cut out fin and tail shapes making sure to include a flap for gluing. Next, cut out a large circle by tracing plate at about 18cm in diameter, cut the circle in half, you only need one half which will become the tail end of the shark.
Step 2
Wrap the paper around the tube and slide the tube out halfway, staple the paper closed being sure not to staple the paper to the tube. On the opposite end of the staple cut a triangle shape, similar to a “Pac-Man” mouth.
Step 3
Next we’ll make the cone. Grasp the corners of the half circle and bring them together at the middle, the centre will become the point. Continue to shape your cone so that it will fit into the tube, staple it closed when you’re satisfied. Cut a slit into the point of the cone and slide the tail shape in, add glue to keep it in place.
Step 4 Cut the toilet tube in half and insert back into the body of the shark and staple together, the tube is great support and helps to keep the cylindrical shape.
Step 5
Cut a 1.5cm x128cm strip of white paper then cut little triangular teeth along the side, cut the strip to size and glue to the inside of the mouth. Next, glue the arm fins to a paper circle cut out and then the circle to the belly of the shark. Glue on the back fin and the cone tail.
Step 6. Glue on wiggle eyes or alternatively draw the eyes on white paper, cut them out and stick them on to the shark. Paint or draw on black gills if you wish.
And voila, its done!