30 January 2019

Every year, the New Year arrives encouraging you to reach the highest of hopes that this year is going to be your year! THE year! You feel revived, transformed and hopeful that this year is going to be different than the last and nothing will stop you from achieving your goals.
Well, January came and went but it’s still not too late to complete those goals. Whether you are wanting to travel to exotic places, to start that adventurous hobby or to simply run that cross-country marathon, have you considered your home being on that goal list – the place where you’ll be hanging out at for most of your year?
Now is as good a time as any to recycle those old shelves, paint your tilesor jazz up your garden, but there is still time to also start your New Year’s resolutions for your home with a clean slate!
Here are our 5 resolutions for your home to write down on your goal list this year that will make your home a more organised, efficient and eco-friendly place this year:
One of the best ways to feel better about your home is to clear it of clutter and organise your space properly. This is usually a given on our New Year’s resolution lists but do we actually stick to this goal? We tend to gain an unnecessary heap of stuff – things – that we simply do not need and can totally live without, particularly post-holiday season. This in turn makes it difficult to find things in overcrowded cupboards and drawers, notably when you need to use them the most. The more stuff we get, the easier it is to become lazy with our organisation skills and then cram it into the first place we find a space for it. This year, only buy or collect practical, useful items that you actually need. Habitually visit each room in your house and ruthlessly rid anything that you don’t use, don’t like, that is broken, old-fashioned or haven’t worn in months. Hold each item and if it does not spark you with an instant feeling of joy, then toss it in the donation pile and give it to your nearest charity… Chances are you won’t miss it!
If there is something that gets on your nerves in your home, then it’s time to let it go! Do you hate that vase that your mother-in-law gave you that’s on the dining room table? Are you tired of seeing that worn out holey rug in the lounge? Are you done with looking at those sun-faded patio chairs outside? This year is time to finally dump or donate the items in your home that are getting under your skin. Ask yourself if they need replacing, and if not, then don’t buy more just to replace what used to be there. If yes, then pick out perfect pieces you get excited about and add them to your space to make it better. Take the brave style risks you have always dreamed of doing and have fun constantly creating spaces that you and your family will fall in love with each new day. Start a little account where you can slowly save up for the pieces you have your heart set on and when you reach your goal, go shopping to make it happen…and remember, if anything bugs you at all, immediately remove it from your life!
Less definitely is more, even if it means having less stuff but paying more for some larger items in your home that will get a lot of use throughout your lifetime, such as: living room couches, the dining room table or your bedroom mattress. Set a goal for yourself to rather save up for a longer period of time to buy that piece that you’ve been eyeing out. Buying what you really want will be an investment for you and your home, instead of purchasing a second-rate substitute that you won’t really love and will most probably end up replacing within 6 months. By investing in quality pieces for your home, you will want to use each room whenever you get the chance to plus it will actually save you money in the long run. Thus, remain patient while saving up for a wiser purchase and you are guaranteed to love your home’s style even more.
Being more tidy and organized at home is always on our to-do lists at the start of each new year, however we all still need that little push to kick-start the process and now is the perfect time for this! You’ve cleared out the clutter and the items that have been frustrating you for the longest time – now you can finally put everything where it belongs, and arrange it in a way that you can quickly find what you need.
Simplify every single cupboard, drawer and shelf with storage boxes or bins and organise every room in the house. You will be so surprised to see how easy it is to stay tidy once everything has an assigned spot. Research organising hacks and then tackle your DIY projects one by one. Purchase some labels or chalkboard paint to clearly label every bin so you never have to guess where anything is ever again. After all, the key to staying neat and organised is returning every item to where it belongs. If your home is clean, practical and well-managed, then you should also feel like you have time to reach full potential in all other avenues in your life. Start this good habit NOW and remember that it is a continuous process but one that will really pay off for you in the years to come.
While you are improving your home as well yourself this year, if you aren’t already trying to save the planet then add this to your goal list now! The best place to start is by limiting your household’s energy usage with some decent effort. Going green can be an excellent way to make this year really count and by doing small but significant things, you’ll not only contribute towards a better planet but will also notice the positive results it has on your lights and water bill at the end of the month. Learning to properly compost and recycle, will also decrease wastage that could have ended up in landfills. When you leave a room, remember to turn off the lights, air-conditioners, any heaters or fans and don’t let the tap run while you are brushing your teeth. Install energy-saving light bulbs in every room, as well as low-flow showerheads in every bathroom, and only run your dishwasher or washing machine when they are completely full. The Earth will return its thanks to you in blessings.
Having a better organised, greener and more efficient home, will only prove to give you wonderful results and the oomph you need for the year ahead!
Happy organising this year!