07 November 2017

Simplify your Home before the Holidays
If you didn’t get to Spring cleaning your home when the season started, then don’t worry as now is a better time than ever to stack away the unwanted items that have gathered up all year, so you can effortlessly pull out the holiday décor and pack them away just as easily after the holidays are over. Whichever holiday you are celebrating, between shopping for presents, buying food and treats, decorating, and spending time with family and friends, the last thing you want to worry about is organizing your home. Consider a new holiday tradition: decluttering.
Don’t get overwhelmed and lose sight of what the holidays are really about – peace! The holidays are supposed to make you feel happy, not overwhelmed. So what should you get rid of during the holiday season? Rather choose the big things and save the little things for the new year. It’s time to simplify your life and let go of unnecessary “stuff”!
Focus on how you can save yourself both time and energy this year so that the next year is a breeze to prepare for the holidays to come. Don’t be afraid to go minimalist. Minimalism does not have to be boring, you can effortlessly create clean, clutter-free spaces with just one statement decoration. Maximise the space in your home, and clear out the clutter to make room for the stuff that matters.
If your space is small, start by installing a DIY shelving system on some walls so that you can start neatly storing boxes and containers and other items on them. Organize items by category and label each container so they’re super simple to find. If you didn’t use it last time and you’re not planning to use it this year, then say goodbye to it for good. Take time to reorganize your linen closet too and if you have children, sort out their toys and donate the ones they don’t play with anymore, to families in need. Stuff seems to pile up during this two-week period in December more than the entire year and by having an organized home, it will allow you to focus more on the memories being made during the festive season.
However, if you don’t have time to declutter before the holidays, you can do it afterward. Think minimal and simplification and you are guaranteed to feel a lot less “stuffocated” and a whole lot more free! Sort your things out but do not put your piles back in storage. Donate or throw away the entire contents of it right away!
Next year, you will be able to breathe much better and will feel more prepared and less cluttered with “stuff” you really don’t need.
Happy Organising!